PT Danasupra Erapacific Tbk

Board of Commissioners

Board of Commissioners

The Board of Commissioners is a non-executive body representing shareholders whose task is to supervise policies and operational performance in general, both regarding the Company and the Company’s business. The Board of Commissioners is also tasked with providing advice and direction to the Board of Directors regarding management, ensuring that the implementation of CGC is in accordance with the guidelines. -signs that have been determined and provide approval for the annual report from the Board of Directors before it is submitted to Shareholders.

To carry out its duties, the Board of Commissioners is assisted by the Audit Committee which regularly provides reports to the Board of Commissioners regarding the Company’s performance.

Deddy Koesnadi

President Commissioner

Indonesian citizen obtained a Bachelor’s degree in State Administration at STIA – LAN in 1994. Attended the 56th Class of Foreign Transactions & Foreign Exchange Services Course at the Indonesian Bankers Institution and PT Bank Dagang Negara (Persero) in 1994, The Fundamental of Wealth Management (WM01) at the Master of Management Gadjah Mada University (2006), Affiliate Wealth Manager (Aff.WM) at the Certified Wealth Manager’s Association (2006), Level I Risk Management Certification at the Risk Management Certification Body (2006), Banking Risk Management Level 2 at the Banking Professional Certification Institute (2012), Banking Risk Management Level 2 at the National Professional Certification Agency (2016). Served as Branch Manager/First Senior Manager Jakarta Graha Rekso Branch PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (2005-2007), Branch Manager/Senior Manager Jakarta Cempaka Mas Branch PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (October 2006-April 2009), Branch Manager/Assistant Vice President Jakarta Branch DPR RI Class II Branch (Special Section) PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk in 2009-2011, Branch Manager/Assistant Vice President Class I Regular Branch PT Bank Mndiri (Persero) Tbk (March 2011- May 2013), Branch Manager/Vice President Area Jakarta Sudirman Branch Jakarta Stock Exchange PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk (July 2013-July 2018).

Arfa Raygianto

Independent Commissioner

Indonesian citizen born in Jakarta on June 12, 2000. Participated in University (Exchange Program) Retail Management, Customer-Driven Marketing Strategies, Destination Management, International Marketing at Linnaeus University, Kalmar, Sweden in 2022. In October 2018 until now currently studying at the University of Indonesia, International Undergraduate Program (KK-I).

Served as Independent Commissioner of PT Danasupra Erapacific Tbk since 19 June 2024, based on the decision of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 19 June 2024.