PT Danasupra Erapacific Tbk

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Board of Directors is the company’s main organ that holds ultimate executive authority. The Boards of Directors are under the supervisions of the Boards of Commmissioners, whose job is responsible for performing and controlling the daily operations of the company, in accordance with the mandate of company’s Articles of Associations and Decision on general meeting of shareholders. In performing its duties, the Board of Directors should uphold the principles of corporate GCG.

Irianto Kusumadjaja

President Director

An Indonesian citizen who born in Jember 1962, graduated from the High School of Informatics Management & Computer (STI&K) in 1985.

Appointed as Director since Agust 2021, based on the resolution of the AGMS on August 20, 2021. He has no affiliation relationship with members of the Board of Directors, other members of the Board of Commissioners and Shareholders.

Floyd Andrew Jonathans


An Indonesian citizen who born in Depok 1977, graduated from Politeknik ITB, Bandung 1998 and Pancasila University Jakarta, 2010

Appointed as Director since August 2021, based on the resolution of the AGMS on August 20, 2021. He has no affiliation relationship with members of the Board of Directors, other members of the Board of Commissioners and Shareholders